Un Homme A Poil Sur Le Net

31 12 2007

Va te faire voir chez les Grecs

Filed under: C'est la vie...,Réflexions,Vive l'Anarchie — Un Homme @ 17:48

L’organisation Privacy International (qui coordonne les Big Brother Awards) vient de publier les résultats d’une enquête sur la protection de la vie privée dans 47 pays (dont les 27 pays de l’Union Européenne).

Les résultats sont, on s’en doute, désastreux…

* The 2007 rankings indicate an overall worsening of privacy protection across the world, reflecting an increase in surveillance and a declining performance o privacy safeguards.
* Concern over immigration and border control dominated the world agenda in 2007. Countries have moved swiftly to implement database, identity and fingerprinting systems, often without regard to the privacy implications for their own citizens
* The 2007 rankings show an increasing trend amongst governments to archive data on the geographic, communications and financial records of all their citizens and residents. This trend leads to the conclusion that all citizens, regardless of legal status, are under suspicion.
* The privacy trends have been fueled by the emergence of a profitable surveillance industry dominated by global IT companies and the creation of numerous international treaties that frequently operate outside judicial or democratic processes.
* Despite political shifts in the US Congress, surveillance initiatives in the US continue to expand, affecting visitors and citizens alike.
* Surveillance initiatives initiated by Brussels have caused a substantial decline in privacy across Europe, eroding protections even in those countries that have shown a traditionally high regard for privacy.
* The privacy performance of older democracies in Europe is generally failing, while the performance of newer democracies is becoming generally stronger.
* The lowest ranking countries in the survey continue to be Malaysia, Russia and China. The highest-ranking countries in 2007 are Greece, Romania and Canada.
* The 2006 leader, Germany, slipped significantly in the 2007 rankings, dropping from 1st to 7th place behind Portugal and Slovenia.
* In terms of statutory protections and privacy enforcement, the US is the worst ranking country in the democratic world. In terms of overall privacy protection the United States has performed very poorly, being out-ranked by both India and the Philippines and falling into the “black” category, denoting endemic surveillance.
* The worst ranking EU country is the United Kingdom, which again fell into the “black” category along with Russia and Singapore. However for the first time Scotland has been given its own ranking score and performed significantly better than England & Wales.
* Argentina scored higher than 18 of the 27 EU countries.
* Australia ranks higher than Slovakia but lower than South Africa and New Zealand.

Pour résumer, le pays qui garantit le mieux la vie privée de ses ressortissants est la Grèce (avec un score de 3.1), la Belgique (avec un score de 2.7) se trouve en 10ème place parmi les pays de l’UE (juste derrière l’Estonie); quant à la patrie des droits de l’homme, la France1, avec un score égal à celui de l’Inde (1.9), elle est en avant-dernière position pour les pays de l’UE, juste avant le Royaume-Uni.

J’ai récemment souligné la totale absence d’intérêt des médias pour les questions de vie privée; par exemple, qui en Belgique connaît la Commission de la Protection de la Vie Privée?

Bref, souriez, vous etes filmés.

  1. il commence à être nécessaire de le préciser visiblement []

1 Comment

  1. Il paraît que c’est très joli, Buenos Aires…

    Comment by thitho